Making my first iOS app went rather quick and without any major problems. It helped of course, that I already made an app for a client of mine!
After the app was accepted by the Apple review process and was available for the public I found out there was a small problem with the app.
It turned out that the server I was using to get the info for the app was having some problems. If I wouldn’t do anything about it this could grow out to be a big problem!
In the end this could mean my app would show nothing at all!
The solution was easy enough; I added another server to the app so if one is not available it will automatically use the other one.
The bigger problem was that I needed to put the app again in the Apple review process which would take another six days to get reviewed! Six days would be too much for my app, not showing any data! This would for sure give me some bad reviews in the store!
After googling a bit I found that there is an “expedited review process” for the App Store! This means if you ask nicely and the Apple review guys agree that you have a “situation” that needs looking at, they will review the app as soon as possible! I tried to describe my problem as good as possible and they agreed to the expedited review!
From solving my app problem, to having a new version in the app store took all in all 1 day!
Great! The review guys from Apple really helped me out here!
The link to the expedited review process is:
The link to my app (Mircules DX Cluster) is: